mica-free eyeshadows

New Eye Shadows and Eye Shadow Gift Sets Now Available by Overall Beauty Minerals

We have been busy for sure over at Overall Beauty Minerals creating new gift sets and new eye shadows! We…

3 months ago

Overall Beauty Minerals News – Brand New Colors Now Available!

It has been a busy couple of months for sure! The whole idea was, try to add a brand-new color…

1 year ago

What is mica and why would you go mica-free in your makeup?

  I am going to do a post a little different this time. I am working out some ideas for…

3 years ago

Overall Beauty Minerals – Now Offering Mica-Free Eye Shadows and Blushes!

Not too long ago I got asked if I offered mica-free eye shadows. I had never thought of it so…

5 years ago

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