Category: Nature

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

How To Practice Gratitude on a Daily Basis

Bringing abundance into your life requires overcoming habits that no longer serve you and gaining a new mindset. You’ll obtain a renewed perspective when you’re able to see the opportunities all around you. While, practicing gratitude on a daily basis is one of the best ways to invite all things plentiful into your world. Keep […]

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature Shop

Natural Herbs to Cure Indigestion – Do They Work?

Indigestion can ruin a good day. I should know, I have been dealing with an ulcer for a few months now. 🙁 With lots of trips to the doctors and to the specialist to have them look at it and try to figure out the best way to help me. I really watch what I […]

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

5 Eco-friendly Earth Day Swaps to Consider this Year

(NC) Living a more sustainable life is something many of us aim for year-round, but Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd every year, provides an annual reminder of what we can do to help the environment. Here are five ideas of sustainable swaps for your day-to-day life to help you get started. Switch to […]

Beauty Articles Lifestyle Nature Product Reviews Skincare

How Does A Healthy Diet Boost Your Natural Beauty? Fish Oil Anyone?

A healthy diet is essential for boosting your natural beauty. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables helps to keep your skin looking clear and radiant. Eating foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, can help to keep your hair looking shiny and lustrous. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature Shop Skincare

Nine Ways to Use Citrus for Your Hair and Skincare

Citrus fruits are a fantastic source of vitamin C, which helps keep your skin smooth and elastic. You’ll probably notice at the store how many face creams contain vitamin C, as do other products for the body. This is because citrus really does work to make your skin and hair healthier. One thing to think […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature Product Reviews

How Lavender Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Lavender oil has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and good sleep. Today, science is beginning to catch up with what ancient cultures have known all along–that lavender oil can be an effective natural remedy for insomnia and poor sleep. Lavender oil is thought to work by reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. In one […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

Can an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Reduce Stress? Yes!!

The impact of going green reaches far beyond simply helping the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. It also benefits us, mentally and emotionally, by allowing us to live a more stress-free life. We get so caught up in the fast pace that we rarely give ourselves a minute to slow down. Let’s dive in […]

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