Category: Holidays

Eco-Friendly Living Guest Bloggers Holidays Lifestyle

4 things Your Family and Friends Won’t Want to Regift

(NC) Regifting holiday presents or other gifts happens more often than people admit, but it can still sting to think your gift wasn’t truly appreciated. With these thoughtful strategies, you can be sure your gifts are cherished and won’t be given away. As a child, we always tried to get rid of fruit cake. 😛 […]

Beauty Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle

Helpful Hints to Help You Reduce Your Holiday Stress

The holidays are often described as a cheerful and joyful time. But the holidays can also be very stressful. Visiting relatives, making big purchases, and attending events can be exhausting. If you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, here are some ways to reduce holiday stress: Get Outdoors The holidays are a cozy time when many […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

Did You Know Fresh Air and Sunshine Boosts Your Energy During the Day?

There is a reason you always seem to feel refreshed and reinvigorated when you spend a few minutes outside; the sunshine and fresh air provide amazing natural boosts of energy. You simply feel happier when you can get outside and enjoy the fresh air, plus the sun’s UV rays are scientifically proven to help you […]

After Thoughts Beauty Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

Easy Anti-Aging Tactic – Reduce Salt and Sugar! If it Could Only be That Simple!

We all know that too much salt in our diets isn’t very good for us, as well as too much sugar is. We know it, but did you realize just how bad it is for our bodies overall? A team of experts has gathered enough evidence to prove the link between high sodium and sugar […]

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

How To Practice Gratitude on a Daily Basis

Bringing abundance into your life requires overcoming habits that no longer serve you and gaining a new mindset. You’ll obtain a renewed perspective when you’re able to see the opportunities all around you. While, practicing gratitude on a daily basis is one of the best ways to invite all things plentiful into your world. Keep […]

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature Shop

Natural Herbs to Cure Indigestion – Do They Work?

Indigestion can ruin a good day. I should know, I have been dealing with an ulcer for a few months now. 🙁 With lots of trips to the doctors and to the specialist to have them look at it and try to figure out the best way to help me. I really watch what I […]

Beauty Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Hair Care Holidays Lifestyle Makeup

6 Ways You Can Use Coconut Oil for Your Natural Beauty Needs

Coconut oil is one of the top natural products you can use for your health, as well as your skin and even your hair. When it comes to beauty, you will find that coconut oil is recommended far more than any other product. Here are six different ways to use coconut oil for natural beauty. […]

Beauty Articles Fashion Holidays Lifestyle Makeup

How To Look Like A Movie Star Without Killing Your Budget

  The stars are both in Hollywood and in the sky. Both types of stars, from a distance, look exotic, beautiful and perfect. The idea of a movie actor being a “star” is connected to the fact that he is someone so famous that his name and image instantly connects and attracts the public. Like […]

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