What Are The Dangers Of Negative Thinking?

We hear a lot about the benefits of positive thinking, but rarely do we hear about the danger of negative thinking. And, there is danger in negative thinking. It is negative thinking that has brought on the lack of opportunities, the ruin of relationships, and the loss of jobs. With so much negative already in the world, we don’t need to add to it. That doesn’t mean go around wearing rose color glasses, there are big problems in the world, that is a for sure! But do you really want to add to it?

1. Negative thinking results in negative actions. It is true that what you think is what you see. It is what “colors” your perspective of the outside world. It is the lens through which you see the outside world. So, if you see work, friends, family members, and general life outside your home through a negative lens, it really is a reflection of your own thinking. And, you will be critical, pessimistic, and argumentative around anyone who is positive. You will look for and see fault in people, places, and things.

2. Negative thinking attracts negative thinkers. You attract what you put out in the world. By thinking, speaking, and acting negatively, you are attracting critics, cynics, and negative conversations to you. While you may feel comfortable being in a group of like-minded people, take a step back and look at yourself and your group from the view of someone else. Chances are good you will see unattractive conversation and hopelessness, which is not helpful to you or anyone else. Continue to surround yourself with negative people, and you will go further down a path of emotional decline. Who are you attracting?

3. Negative thinking is the cause of passive-aggressive behavior. Negative thinking causes you to feel disempowered and disenfranchised, like a victim of circumstances with no way out. Feeling this way will cause you to blame others; this leads to a very dangerous undercurrent of passive (no action or ownership) aggressive (hostile and resentful) behavior. Nothing productive results from this kind of behavior.

You can avoid the dangers of negative thinking. Be aware of what you are thinking and who you are attracting. No matter how bad things are, do not feel as you are a victim. Understand that while there are problems in the world, at your work, or in your family, you have the power to look for positives and opportunities. There is only so much you can do to help the world as it is. You have the power to look for something good in every person, place, or thing that crosses your path. Even if the “good” is that you were able to remove yourself from that situation quickly!

You don’t need to ignore the problems. When you focus on the positive, you will have the energy and resources to address those problems. In the end, you will be much more satisfied with the results.

There is a very famous quote,

Be The Change You Want To See in The World.

Sometimes by looking inward, we can change how we react, how we feel, and how we think. Sometimes all you need to do is step back, take a deep breath and think, this too will past.


Owner & creator of Overall Beauty Minerals - vegan mineral makeup line. Beauty blogger, writer of articles about pretty much anything to do with beauty, with product reviews. Lover of guinea pigs, supporter of no-kill shelters for small animals.

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