Little Help Fighting Fine Lines And Wrinkles That Come With Aging

Little Help Fighting Fine Lines And Wrinkles That Come With Aging

Wrinkles are the best known naughty word of the decade. If you have them, you want to get rid of them at any price. If you don’t have them, you may make some wrinkles appear just by worrying about how to avoid them!

This whole exaggerated fear of wrinkles is a cosmetic surgeon’s dream come true. They’ll inject you with something that could kill in high enough doses – just to smooth out a few lines on your face. It might look good for a while, but wow it’s not cheap. I had it done once, it was $500 a shot and I had 2! Talk about not affordable. 😛

But it’s only temporary. You have to go back month after month and pay a small fortune just to keep those signs of aging away. Before you know it, you’re paying more for maintenance on your wrinkles than it costs to keep your car tuned up!

You can take control of your wrinkle management regimen with simple, low cost, natural approaches. Here are some tips to help keep aging at bay:

• Drink 6–8 glasses of water a day. It almost sounds too simple, but it’s very important to hydrate from the inside-out. Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it desperately needs to be hydrated. Drinking water, not lattes or diet sodas, keeps your skin supple and the rest of your body benefits, too! I am a big fan of the bottled water brand Zen WTR Work to save our Oceans! For starters, their bottles are made with 100% Recycled Bound Plastics! They also work with people to help remove plastics around the oceans on beaches etc. I think it’s a great cause, and they have great tasting water too!

• Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. The natural antioxidants in these fresh foods help strength skin tissue so that it repairs and rebuilds on schedule.

• Take vitamin and mineral supplements – particularly skin-friendly Vitamins A, C, and E. It doesn’t matter how many creams you put on your skin – if your body isn’t well-nourished, hydrated and supported with vitamins, signs of aging will show up and cause damage to your appearance. My eye doctor recommends fish oil to help with my eyes.

Nordic Naturals Fish Oil
I found a really great brand called: Nordic Naturals who found a way for you to take fish oils, that well? Don’t taste like fish oil! Not only that? They are never sold under any other store brand. What I mean is, they do the fishing, the creation of the fish oil pills, they are not packaged by another company for them. You are receiving the best quality fish oil! I buy the one with 1480 mg Omega-3 & 1000 iu vitamin D3. The brand cost a bit more, but at least I know I am getting the best. Check it out at your local health food store, on their website or on Amazon.

• Include more nuts and oils in your diet. Use high quality virgin or extra virgin olive oil in your salads and for cooking. Snack on walnuts, peanuts or almonds. These foods help your body lubricate the skin from the inside-out.

Additional antioxidants can be applied to the skin with creams made from soy protein, vitamin A (retinol), peptides, hyrodxy acid and CoQ10 Enzyme. Look for these in a health food store or natural pharmacy. They aren’t cheap, but you’ll get better quality here than some of what you could buy for twice the price in a department store. And the natural products aren’t filled with artificial chemicals.

Combating wrinkles is an inside job as well as outside maintenance regimen. No amount of expensive designer creams will overcome what your body lacks to rebuild damaged cells. A healthy diet, lots of water and the right set of vitamins will help your skin, and maybe your pocket book too! Don’t forget your sunscreen!!

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Owner & creator of Overall Beauty Minerals - vegan mineral makeup line. Beauty blogger, writer of articles about pretty much anything to do with beauty, with product reviews. Lover of guinea pigs, supporter of no-kill shelters for small animals.
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