3 Makeup Tips for a Natural Look

natural beauty tips

3 Makeup Tips for a Natural Look

When it comes to makeup, you can wear too much, or you can go for the natural I am not wearing any makeup but look totally divine!
1. Avoid wearing too much. I know duh! ๐Ÿ˜€

Makeup is meant to enhance features, not hide them. Wearing too much makeup will make you look cakey and completely different. Unless thatโ€™s your goal, here are some things to keep in mind when applying makeup:
eyeliner being applied
i) Eyeliner: dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone. Though it may be perfect for Saturday night, it definitely doesnโ€™t look natural. If you are going for the all natural look, you can go without eyeliner.
mascara being applied
ii) Mascara: most mascaras have a tendency to clump, which forces your lashes to come together and leave large gaps. Applying mascara lightly will avoid this issue and enhance your lashes in the most natural way.

iii) Foundation: First, choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. A little goes a long way, so start applying lightly and add more than desired. The goal of foundation is to create a smooth, even tone. Also, select a brush that is appropriate for your foundation; some brushes work best with a liquid foundation, as opposed to pressed powder.

You can forgo foundation by applying tinted moisturizer with SPF. You can even just mix your foundation with moisturizer with sunscreen in your hand and by doing so, you take care of three things at once!
lipgloss being applied
2. Lips
For a natural look, it is best to stick with neutral colors. Sometimes a clear gloss is perfect to keep it natural but add that bit of spunk. You can even just throw on some tinted chapstick!

3. Appropriate makeup
Wear makeup that is appropriate for the occasion. If you are going to the beach, you shouldn’t wear the same or as much makeup as you would if you were going dancing. Also, when you are in daylight, your makeup should be lighter than when you are out for the evening.

The best tip is doing something super simple, apply mascara, blush and apply bronzer to the areas of your face that the sun will naturally hit and it, and there you go! The easiest natural look possible! ๐Ÿ˜€ I read that is something one of the most popular makeup artist does, Bobbie Brown. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I even have a few of her books.

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Owner & creator of Overall Beauty Minerals - vegan mineral makeup line. Beauty blogger, writer of articles about pretty much anything to do with beauty, with product reviews. Lover of guinea pigs, supporter of no-kill shelters for small animals.
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