We are sometimes our own worst enemies. We consciously or subconsciously self-sabotage, keeping us from completing our bucket lists. Likewise, we desire one thing but do the opposite. We prove this whenever we click on the television or snatch our smartphone when we know we should be doing something else. We have become sponges that […]
The Dangers of Negative Thinking: More Than Just a Bad Mood
Negative thinking, while seemingly harmless, can have far-reaching and detrimental effects on our lives. It’s not just about feeling down; it can significantly impact our physical, mental, and social well-being. It’s not hard to fall into thinking negative about one self. Not only that, but it happens to the best of us. But if you […]
3 Simple Habits of Happy People
How old were you when you realized it was okay to copy other people? We’re not talking about copying the answers of that smart person in your math class. We are referring to imitating others to produce a desired result. We were first exposed to this shortcut to productivity when we are children. When you […]
10 Time Wasters and How to Get Rid of Them Fast
There’s a saying by Bernard Clive that goes, “We don’t manage time, we manage activities within time.” He really nailed it with that one. A lot of folks talk about managing time, but the truth is, time just keeps ticking away, no matter what. To make the most of your time, being productive is key. […]
Use Micro Naps Effectively to Sustain Your Energy
Remember when you were a child, your parents told you that you needed to take a nap? And you would fight each and very time because as a child you feel you are going to miss something if you are napping. Did you know that now as an older person (any age after 20) that […]
Why Stop Being Such A People Pleaser Can Reduce Your Stress
We all know someone, goes out of their way to make sure things are good. But that type of person, years ago would have been called a brown noser or someone who got walk all over all because they just made it easy to do so. Because they didn’t know how to say No, when […]
How Not Taking Care of Yourself Using Self-Care Affects Your Life
How you take care of your own needs affects you and every aspect of your life. For example, if you don’t take care of yourself, you may experience low energy, hopelessness, lack of patience, and even negative physical symptoms like headaches. What’s even worse is that lack of self-care can be so dangerous that it […]
How to Stay Positive on a Bad Day
Bad days happen to everyone, no matter who you are or how hard you try to avoid them. While you can’t avoid the inevitable, you can change how you respond to it. Having a more positive mindset isn’t about toxic positivity, where you force yourself to be positive 100% of the time, but simply letting […]
It’s Okay To Say No
You may have heard the saying, “‘No. It is a complete sentence.” If not, it’s definitely something you should keep in mind for your daily life. While you don’t necessarily want to say no all the time, it’s important to know that you CAN when you need to. It can be easy to fall into […]