It is getting that time of the year when we start doing what we all know called Springtime Cleaning. So why not try switching to green cleaning products that can transform your home into a healthier, eco-friendly space. Conventional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment and irritate your skin or […]
The Dangers of Negative Thinking: More Than Just a Bad Mood
Negative thinking, while seemingly harmless, can have far-reaching and detrimental effects on our lives. It’s not just about feeling down; it can significantly impact our physical, mental, and social well-being. It’s not hard to fall into thinking negative about one self. Not only that, but it happens to the best of us. But if you […]
10 Time Wasters and How to Get Rid of Them Fast
There’s a saying by Bernard Clive that goes, “We don’t manage time, we manage activities within time.” He really nailed it with that one. A lot of folks talk about managing time, but the truth is, time just keeps ticking away, no matter what. To make the most of your time, being productive is key. […]
Use Micro Naps Effectively to Sustain Your Energy
Remember when you were a child, your parents told you that you needed to take a nap? And you would fight each and very time because as a child you feel you are going to miss something if you are napping. Did you know that now as an older person (any age after 20) that […]
Natural Herbs to Cure Indigestion – Do They Work?
Indigestion can ruin a good day. I should know, I have been dealing with an ulcer for a few months now. 🙁 With lots of trips to the doctors and to the specialist to have them look at it and try to figure out the best way to help me. I really watch what I […]
How Not Taking Care of Yourself Using Self-Care Affects Your Life
How you take care of your own needs affects you and every aspect of your life. For example, if you don’t take care of yourself, you may experience low energy, hopelessness, lack of patience, and even negative physical symptoms like headaches. What’s even worse is that lack of self-care can be so dangerous that it […]
5 Ways to Declutter Your Mind
When it comes to decluttering your home, there’s a simple solution: put everything on eBay (this is a bit oversimplified, but it’s possible, isn’t it?). Yet, when it comes to decluttering your mind, it’s not really possible to unload your thoughts onto eager internet buyers…or is it? Here are a few ways to declutter your […]
Why Getting Enough Sleep Is Good For You
Sleep tends to be a much underestimated part of our well-being. You will always hear about how much you need food, water, and air to survive. However, sleep is usually left on the wayside of these keys to survival. Keep reading to find out just how important it is to get enough sleep… Sleep deprivation […]
Simple Tip To Help Create A better Tomorrow
I started looking at things and wondering what kind of world am I leaving my children and their children’s children? Simple question right? Just don’t over-think it. If you do, it will scare the crap out of you. Because the answers are not so simple. There are so many things you can do if you […]
Thoughtful All Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System
Even without the CONVID-19 virus going around, you can still feed a little under the weather any time of the year. Finding ways to help you stay healthy doesn’t always means taking vitamins. Still CONVID-19 2020? Then wearing a mask is a great idea, ( you might be living in a state or country where […]