How old were you when you realized it was okay to copy other people? We’re not talking about copying the answers of that smart person in your math class. We are referring to imitating others to produce a desired result. We were first exposed to this shortcut to productivity when we are children. When you smile, you are making sure that things are going to be good.
To use a common experience many people are familiar with, let’s look at riding a bicycle for the first time. Did you just jump on it and give it a go? You probably didn’t. You had a sibling or an adult help you. They gave you pointers and told you what to do. Perhaps you started with training wheels, which made you comfortable and confident enough to try just two wheels.
Whatever the process was, you learned to copy the successful behaviors of other people to produce an intended result. You mimicked what experienced bicycle riders did so you could successfully pilot a bike.
You can do the same thing if you want more happiness and contentment. Here are three habits perpetually happy people use to keep smiles on their faces and cheerfulness in their hearts. Just do what they do.
1 – Be Proactive
Don’t expect the world to make you smile. Smile on your own. Don’t take happiness for granted. If you sit back and wait for the world or the people in it to make you smile and feel joy and delight, you might be waiting awfully long. Ever got really mad at someone and that is all you can think about? You are letting someone else take control of your feelings, when they have probably forgotten all about what you were fighting about.
You are the only person in the world in charge of your feelings. You can create happiness by seeking it out and doing things you know make you smile. The happiest people are those who make an effort to create happiness. Prioritize happiness, and it’ll start showing up more frequently in your life.
2 – Live in the Present Moment
You have memories of your experiences from the past, those can probably plan for the future. That’s great, but your entire life is nothing but moments, good and bad.
Accept your past. It’s gone, and you can’t do anything about it. It would help if you also understood that the future is uncertain. You have absolutely no control over the future, even if you might convince yourself to the contrary.
That means that worrying about what you’ve done and what will happen in the future is pointless. Sometimes the best thing to do is just tell yourself ‘ Breathe, It’s going to be ok ‘.
As Mark Twain said, “Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.” Live in the present moment. It’s the only time you are actually existing. Embrace now and fully experience your life at this moment.
3 – Practice Gratitude
Start regularly appreciating what you have. Constantly trying to make yourself happy by purchasing items and chasing experiences will never get the job done. Happiness comes from the inside. It begins with being grateful for all the positive things in your life. Retail therapy is not the answer. But it is fun, and it can make you happy at that moment, till the credit card statement comes.
The universe has a wonderful way of rewarding you with more positive experiences when you take the time to be genuinely grateful for who you are and what you have.
Don’t stop there. When you see someone smiling, and it looks genuine, return the smile. Spend more time around people that are joyful. You will undoubtedly pick up more tips and practices that happy people use to go through life with a smile rather than a frown.