Category: After Thoughts

After Thoughts Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Fashion Lifestyle Makeup

Tips for finding the Ethical, Sustainable, and Healthy Products for Your Beauty Routine

It’s Earth Day 2023! Time to take Action! So why not start with your own personal beauty routine? When it comes to ethical and sustainable beauty, one of the most important things you can do is research the ingredients that go into your products and what effects they may have on your body and the […]

After Thoughts Beauty Articles Holidays Lifestyle

Setting New Goals for Your Happiness as You Age

When you’re young, setting goals was simple, your goal is often to graduate college, find a well-paying career, get into a committed relationship, buy a house and start a family. Along this road, the young hope for financial stability, recognition and happiness. For some young people, they want a life of adventure with no ties. […]

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