Category: Eco-Friendly Living

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle

How Giving Gifts on Valentine’s Day has Become a Tradition

Giving gifts on Valentine’s Day has been a tradition common to many countries. Some say because such occasion has been so commercialized. Some believe it to be an important day to show love to loved ones. Even before, Valentine’s Day is celebrated by giving love letters and later modified to giving flowers and chocolates until […]

Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle

Spring Cleaning: Using Green Natural Alternatives for a Healthy Home

It is getting that time of the year when we start doing what we all know called Springtime Cleaning. So why not try switching to green cleaning products that can transform your home into a healthier, eco-friendly space. Conventional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment and irritate your skin or […]

Eco-Friendly Living Guest Bloggers Holidays Lifestyle

4 things Your Family and Friends Won’t Want to Regift

(NC) Regifting holiday presents or other gifts happens more often than people admit, but it can still sting to think your gift wasn’t truly appreciated. With these thoughtful strategies, you can be sure your gifts are cherished and won’t be given away. As a child, we always tried to get rid of fruit cake. 😛 […]

After Thoughts Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle

10 Time Wasters and How to Get Rid of Them Fast

There’s a saying by Bernard Clive that goes, “We don’t manage time, we manage activities within time.” He really nailed it with that one. A lot of folks talk about managing time, but the truth is, time just keeps ticking away, no matter what. To make the most of your time, being productive is key. […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle Nature

Use Micro Naps Effectively to Sustain Your Energy

Remember when you were a child, your parents told you that you needed to take a nap? And you would fight each and very time because as a child you feel you are going to miss something if you are napping. Did you know that now as an older person (any age after 20) that […]

Beauty Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle

Helpful Hints to Help You Reduce Your Holiday Stress

The holidays are often described as a cheerful and joyful time. But the holidays can also be very stressful. Visiting relatives, making big purchases, and attending events can be exhausting. If you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, here are some ways to reduce holiday stress: Get Outdoors The holidays are a cozy time when many […]

Beauty Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Getting Older Lifestyle

What Are Essential Nutrients For Skin Health For Those Getting Older?

What is the impact of nutrition on senior skin? As someone in her 60s what I post about for older skin? It’s information I need, as well does anyone getting older. As we age, maintaining radiant and healthy skin becomes an increasingly sought-after goal for many seniors. While various factors influence skin health, nutrition plays […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature

Did You Know Fresh Air and Sunshine Boosts Your Energy During the Day?

There is a reason you always seem to feel refreshed and reinvigorated when you spend a few minutes outside; the sunshine and fresh air provide amazing natural boosts of energy. You simply feel happier when you can get outside and enjoy the fresh air, plus the sun’s UV rays are scientifically proven to help you […]

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