I watch through drops of rain roll down my face As you walk away yet again Why does it always seem to end this way? I just stand there getting wet, as the clouds Feel like they are crying along with me Not caring how cold it feels At least, I am hoping this time […]
Use Micro Naps Effectively to Sustain Your Energy
Remember when you were a child, your parents told you that you needed to take a nap? And you would fight each and very time because as a child you feel you are going to miss something if you are napping. Did you know that now as an older person (any age after 20) that […]
Helpful Hints to Help You Reduce Your Holiday Stress
The holidays are often described as a cheerful and joyful time. But the holidays can also be very stressful. Visiting relatives, making big purchases, and attending events can be exhausting. If you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, here are some ways to reduce holiday stress: Get Outdoors The holidays are a cozy time when many […]
What Are Essential Nutrients For Skin Health For Those Getting Older?
What is the impact of nutrition on senior skin? As someone in her 60s what I post about for older skin? It’s information I need, as well does anyone getting older. As we age, maintaining radiant and healthy skin becomes an increasingly sought-after goal for many seniors. While various factors influence skin health, nutrition plays […]
Why Stop Being Such A People Pleaser Can Reduce Your Stress
We all know someone, goes out of their way to make sure things are good. But that type of person, years ago would have been called a brown noser or someone who got walk all over all because they just made it easy to do so. Because they didn’t know how to say No, when […]
Did You Know Fresh Air and Sunshine Boosts Your Energy During the Day?
There is a reason you always seem to feel refreshed and reinvigorated when you spend a few minutes outside; the sunshine and fresh air provide amazing natural boosts of energy. You simply feel happier when you can get outside and enjoy the fresh air, plus the sun’s UV rays are scientifically proven to help you […]
I Was Thinking of You Today – Poem by Kim Snyder
I thought of you today In the shower of all places Water falling like droplets filled with memories of you – of us The good and the bad I just stood there as the water falls on me Thinking about you Till the tears started to fall… I thought of you today Sitting in the […]
What Are The Dangers Of Negative Thinking?
We hear a lot about the benefits of positive thinking, but rarely do we hear about the danger of negative thinking. And, there is danger in negative thinking. It is negative thinking that has brought on the lack of opportunities, the ruin of relationships, and the loss of jobs. With so much negative already in […]
Why Focuing on Giving and Sharing Kindness Is A Good Idea
Picture this: You wake up late, so you are already in a not such a good mood. You can’t stop at your favorite coffee shop because the drive through is packed. You are late to work, you get there and the coffee in the employer kitchen is burned because someone forgot to turn off the […]
Easy Anti-Aging Tactic – Reduce Salt and Sugar! If it Could Only be That Simple!
We all know that too much salt in our diets isn’t very good for us, as well as too much sugar is. We know it, but did you realize just how bad it is for our bodies overall? A team of experts has gathered enough evidence to prove the link between high sodium and sugar […]