Tag: mother nature

Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle

Spring Cleaning: Using Green Natural Alternatives for a Healthy Home

It is getting that time of the year when we start doing what we all know called Springtime Cleaning. So why not try switching to green cleaning products that can transform your home into a healthier, eco-friendly space. Conventional cleaning products often contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment and irritate your skin or […]

Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature Shop

Natural Herbs to Cure Indigestion – Do They Work?

Indigestion can ruin a good day. I should know, I have been dealing with an ulcer for a few months now. 🙁 With lots of trips to the doctors and to the specialist to have them look at it and try to figure out the best way to help me. I really watch what I […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Holidays Lifestyle Nature Product Reviews

How Lavender Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Lavender oil has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and good sleep. Today, science is beginning to catch up with what ancient cultures have known all along–that lavender oil can be an effective natural remedy for insomnia and poor sleep. Lavender oil is thought to work by reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. In one […]

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