Tag: self-care

Beauty Articles Fashion Holidays Lifestyle Shop Weddings

Looking For Unique Wedding Gift Ideas?

Attending a wedding soon, and you still don’t know what to give the couple-to-be? Tired of the usually home appliances or home decor? Please, not another blender, vacuum cleaner or oven toaster. Money of course will be very much appreciated, but it would deem too impersonal. Giving gifts to the couple is part of the […]

Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle Product Reviews

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega XTRA Review

There are a few natural products that I take every day, and that is NORDIC NATURALS fish oil product line. I am now over 60, and I take them every day! How did I start taking them? Well, it all started with a trip to my eye doctor. I try to get my eyes checked […]

After Thoughts Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle Makeup

Start Now Caring For Your Skin Today So You Can Stay Beautiful As You Get Older

Being beautiful can mean so many different things to so many different people. Regardless of what it means to you, this article has a lot of wonderful tips on how you can be more beautiful and keep yourself looking that way for a long, long time. Steam your face. You can do this by placing […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Lifestyle Skincare

What Are The Pros and Cons About Getting Facial Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are another cosmetic procedure that has been around for centuries. They are very popular because there are no needles involved, and many people have a great fear of needles. Depending on the type of damage a person has to their face, they may consider a chemical peel to remove it. Chemical peels are […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Hair Care Lifestyle Makeup Recipes Shop Skincare

What Are Your Natural Skincare Options?

Imagine browsing through skincare aisles and finding that one, perfect product that boasts of all-natural ingredients. Serendipity, right? Then you go and read the label expecting to find a virtual salad but instead finding yourself reading benzoic acid, butyl stearate, and some totally unpronounceable names. The smaller number of ingredients, the purer so to speak […]

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