Tips For The Perfect Gift For Valentines Day

They do say Valentines Day is the day for lovers. Love to know who came up with that idea but anyway we have to figure out what to give him. That can be a very special day but only if you don’t get freaked out about finding just the right valentine’s day gifts for boyfriend.

Every year you see t.v. commercials and ads all over Facebook and elsewhere and it makes it feel like if you didn’t get just the right gift you failed your duty as his girlfriend. Don’t worry, it’s not really that difficult.

We can fret and fuss for days or even weeks or months before hand just looking for the perfect gift. Men usually get candy, flowers and lingerie (who is that really for anyway!?). If you are lucky he might surprised you with a wonderful dinner for two.

Really the easiest way to figure out the best gift? All you need to do is to think of what your guy loves. A card and a nice dinner out is always nice but what about a pair of hockey or baseball tickets? I know most women wouldn’t consider that to be romantic but if your guy loves hockey or baseball?

I am betting he would probably think that was a pretty great gift. It also shows you know him well enough, cause come on, those tickets aren’t cheap! (You think he is going to want to go alone?)

As women it’s important to remember that your guy probably has a much different idea of what a great gift would be. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a ‘romantic’ gift. More than likely he will think it’s great as long as it’s something he would really like to have.

Of course, you can always go with the old stand by of a night of making love and some hot lingerie. If that would make you happy and your boyfriend happy than by all means, go for it. But sometimes it’s nice to change things up a bit and try something different.

Giving him an IOU can be kind of fun too. The IOU can be for anything, get to watch the game without upsetting you, or one night off from having to help with dishes, or night out with the guys. It doesn’t matter what, it’s just kind of fun to give him something that will make his life a little easier at some future point.

You could come up with sexier ones but I will leave that up to you. 😉

If you’ve really got a big budget how about treating your guy to a vacation? (I want to do this one!) It could be a week long get away of just a long weekend. Just make sure that you go to a place he wants to go… not just where you want to go. It’s not much of a gift if it’s more for you than for him.

So, instead of going on a wine tasting weekend you may need to schedule a trip to the baseball hall of fame. I can’t stress that enough, and it’s one of the biggest mistakes that gets made when it comes to gift giving: in order for the gift to be special, you have to make it something your boyfriend would want and not what you want. It would be fun to maybe get tickets to his favorite band as a idea.

This Valentines Day relax, don’t stress when it comes to finding just the perfect valentine’s day gifts for boyfriend, keep these tips in mind and your gift giving will be easier and more appreciated by your guy.


Owner & creator of Overall Beauty Minerals - vegan mineral makeup line. Beauty blogger, writer of articles about pretty much anything to do with beauty, with product reviews. Lover of guinea pigs, supporter of no-kill shelters for small animals.

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