Imagine browsing through skincare aisles and finding that one, perfect product that boasts of all-natural ingredients. Serendipity, right? Then you go and read the label expecting to find a virtual salad but instead finding yourself reading benzoic acid, butyl stearate, and some totally unpronounceable names. The smaller number of ingredients, the purer so to speak […]
Changing Your Skincare Regimen as You Age
As we age, lots of things change, starting with our skin. Growing older doesn’t mean you have to be plagued with wrinkles, age spots and dry skin. By taking the time to alter your skincare regimen a bit can make all the difference in keeping your skin healthy and youthful. First off, if you are […]
Why Is Self-Care Important?
Self-care is simply doing the things you like to do that helps you feel happy and healthy. But it also as to be that it doesn’t cause anyone else harm. There really is no limit to what self-care is because it’s all about what you like doing for yourself and your personality that makes you […]
Three Tips – What to Look When Shopping for Natural Products
(NC) Finding the right products for you and your family can be tough – especially when you’re looking for healthy options. Whether you’re shopping for food, cleaning materials, bath and body products or supplements, understanding natural product labels can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming. To help you navigate the world of natural products, here are […]
5 Simple Tips to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle
(NC) Lower your energy usage: By using less energy, you can help to reduce carbon emissions. There are a number of ways you can save energy at home, including switching off standby appliances, moderating your use of your AC and hanging clothes to dry instead of using a dryer. Or reminding everyone, if you are […]
What Is Aromatherapy? Just The Basics Folks!
Believe it or not, smells can really impact our mental state! Different scents can trigger different memories and feelings based on our personal life experiences. In addition to this, there are also smells that are naturally therapeutic, such as lavender or citrus. This is what makes aromatherapy so amazing. You can actually find and use […]
Why You Should Make Time to Relax More Often
Life keeps you busy, doesn’t it? You work eight-hour shifts (if not longer), maintain a home, and for some, you even have a family to look after. You spend so much of your time on the go trying to navigate life and sustain a decent living that you barely have any time to dedicate to […]