After Thoughts Beauty Articles Fashion Holidays Lifestyle

Tips On Creating Thoughtful Romantic Hand-Crafted Gifts For Him

Finding a gift for your boyfriend or husband just shouldn’t be so hard but finding the right gift for the man in your life can be tough. Generally, men are just a lot harder to shop for than women. You wouldn’t think its true but sometimes its harder than finding a gift for that family […]

After Thoughts Beauty Articles Fashion Lifestyle Skincare

Stop These Little Known Wrinkle Causing Habits for Younger Looking Skin

When we think of the visible signs of aging that we most want to overcome, facial wrinkles are at the top of the list. We are constantly made aware of the major common causes of wrinkles – the sun’s ultraviolet rays, stress, alcohol, cigarette smoking, not wearing sunscreen and simply because we are getting older. […]

Beauty Articles Holidays Lifestyle Makeup Product Reviews Shop

Whish Vanilla Lip Balm with Bakuchiol Product Review

Sometimes you get something from Costco that you can’t believe it is a good as it could ever be. What I am talking about is my latest super deal from Costco. I say super deal because I paid $9.99 for two super amazing lip balms and a lip scrub that when I went to the […]

Hair Care Lifestyle Product Reviews Shop

ACURE Unicorn Shimmer Shampoo & Conditioner Hair Care Review

Yes I did, I bought shampoo and conditioner because it was called Unicorn Shimmer. Now hear me out there was a very good reason.. oh ok yes its because it was called Unicorn Shimmer but there really is more to it. You are never too old to still believe in unicorns 🙂 For starters its […]

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