For most women, part of the morning and evening routines involve a skincare regimen of applying creams, moisturizers, tonics, lotions, and the like. Why do women put themselves through this? They do it primarily to combat the signs of aging, and to maintain youthful looks and beautiful skin! It is a safe bet, however, that […]
8 Simple Self-Care Tips And Ideas
Self-care is a very broad term and can honestly mean just about anything. Self-care can be described by each person differently. To one person it can be about doing anything that is fun and exciting but to the next person it is about being quiet and fully relaxed at the moment and even then, someone […]
How Lavender Can Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Lavender oil has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and good sleep. Today, science is beginning to catch up with what ancient cultures have known all along–that lavender oil can be an effective natural remedy for insomnia and poor sleep. Lavender oil is thought to work by reducing anxiety and promoting sleep. In one […]
Why Getting Enough Sleep Is Good For You
Sleep tends to be a much underestimated part of our well-being. You will always hear about how much you need food, water, and air to survive. However, sleep is usually left on the wayside of these keys to survival. Keep reading to find out just how important it is to get enough sleep… Sleep deprivation […]
Facing the Child Within – Poem by Kim Snyder
The child within me cries, Fearful, scared I try to reach out to her Just to tell her everything will be ok The child within me cries, Feeling the weight of the world She sits in the back of my mind She hides in the pit of my stomach She runs within my legs Where […]
25 Things to Consider Before Saying “I Do” Updated for 2023
With the high cost of weddings today, and the even higher cost of divorce, sometimes not thinking about the marriage through all the way is the worst thing you can do. It can be heartbreaking if the bride or groom gets cold feet and calls off the wedding, but is doing so such a bad […]
Setting New Goals for Your Happiness as You Age
When you’re young, setting goals was simple, your goal is often to graduate college, find a well-paying career, get into a committed relationship, buy a house and start a family. Along this road, the young hope for financial stability, recognition and happiness. For some young people, they want a life of adventure with no ties. […]
How to Relax and De-Stress After the Holidays
After the holiday season, you still have several months of winter left to cope with, so you must find ways to de-stress and relax. You may have been super busy throughout the holidays, giving you little time for reducing the stress of shopping and going to parties. Here are some winter care tips to help […]
Can an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle Reduce Stress? Yes!!
The impact of going green reaches far beyond simply helping the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. It also benefits us, mentally and emotionally, by allowing us to live a more stress-free life. We get so caught up in the fast pace that we rarely give ourselves a minute to slow down. Let’s dive in […]
Gift Basket Ideas For Teens
Giving gifts to teens can be easy or hard really depending on your teenager and what they might be into at the time. Giving simple gift baskets to your teenage girls can be super simple to buy or create yourself. As parents we know what our teens may or may not be wanting this year. […]