Beauty Articles Lifestyle Makeup

Harmful/Toxic Ingredients That Can Be Found In Your Skin Care Products

Skin care products, we all use them, but some can be better than others. It’s getting to know what can be harmful is not something that simple. Every skin care line on the market today will suggest waiting “at least 2 weeks before seeing results”. While this may be true, it gives skin care companies […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Hair Care Lifestyle Makeup Product Reviews Skincare

Fall is Here! It Is Time To Switch Up Your Beauty Routine

As you begin improving your self-care this fall season, don’t forget about your beauty routine, including how you take care of your skin and hair. It is good to switch up your routine every time a new season begins, as this allows you to work with the changes in weather and environment. Here are a […]

Beauty Articles Fashion Holidays Lifestyle Makeup

Halloween Makeup ~ Quickly and Easily go From Normal to Glam!

Halloween comes around every year, making millions of kids happy of course, but what about you? Don’t you do want to fun things on Halloween as well? Most men really dig going looking as grossed out as possible and some of their partners are cool about it, but what if that just isn’t your thing? […]

Beauty Articles Fashion Holidays Makeup

Sweet and spooky beauty tips for the best Halloween costume

(NC) Halloween is the perfect chance to get creative and express yourself. No matter what your plans are, here are some timeless costume trends and makeup tips to get you in the spooky spirit. Quick classic costumes. From pirates to princesses, classic costumes will always be popular. There is something nostalgic about putting on a […]

Beauty Articles Eco-Friendly Living Hair Care Lifestyle Makeup Recipes Shop Skincare

What Are Your Natural Skincare Options?

Imagine browsing through skincare aisles and finding that one, perfect product that boasts of all-natural ingredients. Serendipity, right? Then you go and read the label expecting to find a virtual salad but instead finding yourself reading benzoic acid, butyl stearate, and some totally unpronounceable names. The smaller number of ingredients, the purer so to speak […]

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